Ronan keating when you say nothing at all rapidshare

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Mention must go here to the song in second place – Better Off Alone by DJ Jurgen featuring Alice Deejay (often wrongly credited as the performing artist) which began a three week lock down at number two, outselling all three chart toppers concerned.Ī couple of end notes and apologies for the brackets.

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Curiously Keating recovered to hold on and Martin slipped to third. Obviously this was also featured on the soundtrack to the film Notting Hill and this could be seen as a clever marketing ploy to see if Keating was marketable as a solo act – if not the single could be treated as a one off and Boyzone could carry on as before.Īfter this song entered at the top the mid weeks suggested that Ricky Martin would return for a fourth non consecutive week. Secondly, their hits compilation was in the middle of a nine week (non consecutive – a two followed by a seven) when this single was released and WYSNAA actually featured on that album, despite being a Ronan solo track.

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Firstly, Boyzone were still very much an extant band at this point and there was one more single to come before they quietly entered hiatus. There is actually a bit more to this single than meets the eye.